Premium Products / Personal Service
Digital Customer Knowledge
Our Digital Customer Knowledge (DCK) system will document and substantiate your compliance with BSA and AML regulations.
It’s a case management tool that clearly shows the data reviewed in deciding to file, or not file, a SAR.
It’s a customer-management tool that reminds you to obtain new information and update your files.
It’s a secure file sharing system.
Any type of file (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, Text, etc.) can be uploaded into DCK.
Once a file is uploaded to DCK, it is considered “frozen”. Any change to the file will create a new version of the file; the original version remains unaltered.
Documents can be marked as “Private”; private documenta are only accessible to specifically authorized people.
All data entered into DCK is stored at the customer-level, in a “dossier”.
A dossier can be exported to a private folder and shared with auditors, regulators, directors and other interested parties.
DCK is a database system that’s fast and easy to use. We employ Microsoft SQL technology, so your IT folks will have no trouble with security controls and backup procedures.
DCK lets you use all available data to document why customer’s activity is or isn’t suspicious.
Full integration with all of our products means a simple click-through takes you to a customer’s dossier.
Our flexible case management strategy lets you open, update, and close a customer dossier–based on your work flow. You have complete control on how the process works.
Each dossier displays a twelve-month transaction summary to let you quickly see increasing or decreasing trends.
Ticklers are built-in to the system. DiCK will prompt you when it’s time to revise and review a customer’s data.
Every dossier can be printed or exported to a secure folder and easily shared with those who have a valid interest.
DCK simplifies your EDD procedures by helping you document, organize and present your findings.
The system helps your bank reduce the number of printed and stored reports.
At every institution, data security is improved when fewer reports are produced. (Less paper = more security.)
DCK also helps you comply with the regulators “Green Initiative”.
Data is stored in an SQL database. Users can review and update customer information from any PC on the network.
Versioning control of documents provides built-in audit trails.
Data is kept indefinitely. (Even deleted reports are kept one-year, to protect against employee malfeasance.)